Lunar/Chinese New Year Pet Safety Tips

Many East Asian cultures celebrate Lunar/Chinese New Year which begins on February 5, 2019, marks the Year of the Pig. This is certainly a fun time full of celebration with exciting traditions!

Some pet safety tips for these holidays:

Keeping decorations out of pet reach as these contain various hazards. Some examples include:

Candy Box – these may house melon seeds, candy with wrappers, and chocolate. In any event, these items may be dangerous to pets if consumed as some may be poisonous to pets or cause blockages.

Traditional foods for this holiday contain a lot of oil and fat. In animals, these can trigger pancreatitis. Any uneaten foods should be kept well out of pets’ reach.

Decorative plants. Many of the common flowers used to celebrate the coming Spring such as Daffodils or the water they’re kept in can be toxic to pets if eaten or licked. Alternative decorations include other plants known to be safe or even plastic/artificial plants.

Give your pets a safe, quiet space to rest privately when visitors arrive or when fireworks go off. Some pets become frightened by all the hustle and bustle so would appreciate having their own area to retreat to.

Happy Year of the Pig from all the staff at Seneca Animal Clinic!