Urinalysis and Fecal Exam

A comprehensive checkup of your dog to ensure they remain happy and healthy.

Urine and fecal screening are part of our head to tail wellness approach. A urinalysis, testing of your pet’s urine, provides information on kidney function and the overall health of the urinary system. Intestinal parasites are all around in the environment and they can have detrimental effects on your dog’s health, so we recommend a yearly fecal screening.

Why are canine fecal examinations recommended yearly?

Infections with intestinal parasites can happen at any time of year so it is important to have your dog’s stool checked each year at the time of their annual physical. Some parasites can be contagious to humans so we want to ensure that your dog is properly dewormed if necessary to protect not only other dogs but humans as well.

If my dog’s urine test reveals a urinary tract infection, what can I do?

If your dog has a urinary tract infection, it is likely that your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics. It is important to follow the prescription directions as they are written and always finish a full course of antibiotics.

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